When do I need a teardrop-shaped implant and when a round implant?
As a rule, we use round and smooth implants, also to reduce the risk of the so-called anal plastic lymphoma (ALCL) to a minimum.
Is the autologous fat treatment sufficient for volume increase?
The autologous fat treatment is only suitable for a small increase in volume. A relevant percentage also dissolves in the next 6 months, which is why a second treatment may be necessary.
What techniques are available for a breast lift?
If the breast is only slightly sagging, a tightening around the areola is sufficient. If the breast is clearly sagging, a so-called I-cut method (Lejour technique) or anchor cut/T-cut method is necessary.
Can the autologous fat treatment be combined with an implant?
This technique can be combined well. Through the autologous fat treatment, the breast can be individually modelled and adjusted.
What is a so-called “tubular breast” (tube breast or trunk breast)?
The tubular breast form is one of the most common breast malformations. It is caused by a growth disorder of the glandular tissue and the lower part of the breast grows less than the upper part. Characteristic features are the large areolae and the tubular shape of the breast.
How is a tubular breast treated?
Various surgical techniques are possible and are often combined. Basically, the lower pole of the breast must be corrected and the mammary gland unfolded. If the areola is pronounced, it is also tightened.
If a relevant increase in volume is desired, an additional implant is recommended. The implant is often inserted behind the muscle, but this varies from person to person. If only a small increase in volume is desired, then fat injections are the method of choice. If the breast is also very saggy, a skin tightening procedure must be performed.
What is the incision for the correction of a tubular breast?
The incision can be made around the areola or in the crease under the breast. Very rarely, a so-called anchor incision is necessary if a relevant breast lift is to be performed.