What is the smallest size?
The smallest implant for breast augmentation has a filling of 50 ml. However, the decision which implant to use should not depend on which size is the minimum or maximum. Because the most important factor is ultimately that the volume of the implant fits the physique.
What is important to consider with large breast implants?
If the implant is too large or too heavy for the patient’s physical requirements, the breast tissue is subjected to excessive stress. In extreme cases, the health of the back also suffers from the excessive weight of the breast implant. A good plastic surgeon should therefore always discuss in detail with his patient what size will realistically lead to a permanently beautiful and comfortable result for her.
Large and light breast implants?
If a large implant volume is desired, B-Lite® prostheses are available, which are 30% lighter than the implant volume. B-Lite® Gel is a microsphere-enhanced, cohesive gel for medical implants. The microspheres are chemically inactive, high-purity, microscopic hollow spheres made of borosilicate, which are often used in space technology as a lightweight yet robust solution.
Anatomical or round shapes of breast implants?
The shape of the implant depends on the visual result you want to achieve. The anatomical shape, also known as the teardrop shape, leads to a very natural-looking result. Around two thirds of the volume is in the lower part of the breast, as the lower part of the implant is filled more than the upper part.
This variant is popular among women with little breast tissue of their own, as the proportions still look very natural despite the artificial implant. Round implants, on the other hand, make the décolleté look fuller; the filling is distributed evenly over the entire silicone cushion. This is comparable to the effect of a push-up bra.
What materials do breast implants have?
Modern breast implants are filled with silicone cohesive gel. This has a gelatinous consistency, which has the advantage that the substance cannot leak. Although it is very unlikely that the upper material of high-quality implants will crack anyway, in case of doubt the silicone gel is the safest filling option and there is no danger to your health.
Maximum safety is provided by a multi-layer construction of the implant, consisting of a shell and silicone filling. A few years ago, breast implants also contained saline solution, but this option is hardly used today. One of the reasons for this is that the liquid saline filling can cause ripples to form. On a health level, however, this filling is harmless, as escaping liquid can simply be excreted by the body.
Other options are Microthane® coated implants, a shell of silicone with a polyurethane coating. Due to the spongy structure, the implants do not slip or turn and grow into the tissue. They also offer greater protection against so-called capsular fibrosis or capsular contracture.