Lip correction (lip lift)

Lip correction (lip lift)

Lip treatment? Lip lifting? Bullhorn lip lift? Corner lip lift? Questions for PD Dr. Mathias Tremp

Curved and full lips represent sensuality and femininity. However, not all women have this shape naturally. In addition, lips can become thinner and longer with age. Aesthetic medicine and surgery can improve the fullness and shape of the lips. Today, mainly natural and degradable products such as the patient’s own fat or hyaluronic acid are used to improve the shape and volume of the lips.

A thin upper lip, the visibility of the lower edges of the incisors and the emphasis and elevation of the red part of the upper lip are other essential features of a beautiful mouth area. The surgical treatment for an extended upper lip («philtrum») is the so-called «bullhorn lip lift». With the «corner lip lift», drooping corners of the mouth can be lifted at the same time.

What is a bullhorn lip lift and why does this procedure have this name?

The optimal distance between the upper lip and nose is 12 – 14mm. 2 to 4mm of the upper incisors should be visible when the mouth is relaxed and open. However, as you get older, the distance can increase significantly and the face looks older.

With the Bullhorn Lip Lift, excess skin in the area of the upper lip is removed, thereby permanently shortening the upper lip. With the Corner Lip Lift, triangular skin is removed from the outer corner of the mouth to permanently lift the corners of the mouth.

This method makes the lips, which are rather narrow and flat due to genetic predisposition or age, more feminine, the red of the upper lip is emphasized and the teeth are more visible when smiling.

This makes your face appear more open, pleasant and attractive. Since the shape of the cut-out skin is reminiscent of bullhorns, this procedure is called a “bullhorn lip lift”.

What other lip treatments are there and what is the difference to the Bullhorn Lip Lift?

A corner lip lift is often performed during the bullhorn lip lift to lift the outer corners of the mouth.

Lip injections with hyaluronic acid are another very low-risk option for lip treatment. Hyaluronic acid is a natural, biological and naturally degradable product produced by the body and has the property of binding water. This can change the volume and shape of the lips, as well as the corners of the mouth (so-called “corner lip lift”) and lift the corners of the mouth. Karisma is ideal for treating so-called barcode wrinkles (upper lip wrinkles) . Karisma is a new generation soft filler that counteracts and reverses skin aging based on natural ingredients. The result is fresh, radiant and plump skin – immediately – with a lasting effect and can be combined with other applications.

Likewise, annoying wrinkles around the lip edges (so-called smoker’s lines) can be easily smoothed out. The results are immediately visible and there is no downtime. With an additional botulinum treatment, the red of the upper lip can also be lifted (so-called “lip flip” treatment).

In most cases, the effect of botulinum treatment occurs after 48 – 72 hours, with the maximum effect being achieved after 1 – 2 weeks. When treating with hyaluronic acid, the proportions and harmony of the upper and lower lips must be taken into account. In particular, the so-called golden ratio (1:1.618) must be taken into account. In the case of asymmetrical lip shape, nodules or vascular occlusions, the hyaluronic acid can be dissolved with an enzyme called hyaluronidase.

The results after a hyaluronic acid treatment usually last between 6 and 12 months, after which the treatment can be repeated. With the Bullhorn Lip Lift, however, a permanent result is achieved, and follow-up treatment or fine correction is very rarely necessary.
An alternative treatment method to hyaluronic acid is lip treatment with the patient’s own fat.

In this natural form of treatment, liposuction is performed at a desired location, the fat is prepared accordingly and injected into the lips. With this treatment, around 40 – 50% of the fat is dissolved in the first 3 months, the rest remains long-term.

How does the Bullhorn Lip Lift or Corner Lip Lift work?

The procedure is performed under local anesthesia and can be performed on an outpatient basis. The operation takes about 45 – 60 minutes

Where is the scar?

The incision is made along the nostrils and the bridge of the nose. In the so-called “corner lip lift”, a triangular skin is removed from the outer corner of the mouth in order to lift the outer corner of the mouth. The scars are therefore hidden in the area of the natural skin fold under the entrance to the nose or along the red part of the lip and are therefore usually barely visible.

Who is suitable for a bullhorn lip lift or corner lip lift?

The procedure is suitable for all women who feel that their lips are too thin and too long. The Corner Lip Lift can be performed on drooping corners of the mouth alone or in combination with a Bulhorn Lip Lift. Due to genetic predisposition or the natural aging process, the lips appear narrower over time, which increases the distance between the nose and mouth and makes the face appear older.

There is actually no age limit for the procedure. The various treatment methods are discussed in detail during an individual consultation.

What are the risks of a bullhorn lip lift or corner lip lift?

The risks of the treatment are low. As with all surgical procedures, problems with wound healing or infection can occur. However, these complications are very rare due to the good blood circulation in the facial area.

Swelling, bruising or redness may occur for a few days, but these often subside on their own. Permanent loss of sensation in the upper lip is not to be expected after the operation has healed.

What should I pay attention to after the operation?

After the operation, you should ice your upper lip for a few days. I also recommend avoiding excessive talking or intensive chewing during the healing phase and eating cool, soft food. I also recommend not doing any physical exertion until the wound has healed (usually after 7 days).

The stitches are removed after 5 to 7 days, after which there is usually hardly any sign of the procedure. To optimize the cosmetic appearance of the scar, a laser treatment or radio frequency microneedling treatment can be carried out after the stitches have been removed. If desired and required, a CO2 laser treatment can be carried out after 6 weeks and 12 weeks. You must then massage the scar with a fatty or silicone-containing scar cream every day for up to a year after the operation and use a sunscreen with a sun protection factor of 50. In principle, there are hardly any restrictions on your ability to work; you are usually able to go out in public after 3 – 5 days, but it takes about 3 months for the final result to appear.

What does it cost?

Since the procedure is an aesthetic treatment, health insurance companies do not cover the costs. Depending on the additional procedures and the duration of the operation, you will receive a detailed written cost estimate from us.

The costs for the planned operation must be transferred at least 7 days before the operation so that the appointment can be definitely confirmed. This advance payment, which is common practice in the industry, is necessary in order to be able to make the reservations and preparations for your procedure.

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