What is the procedure of the surgery and the aftercare?
Before surgery, you should refrain from taking blood thinning medications for 10 days. In order to optimally prepare the tissue before the operation, 4-5 LPGĀ® endermologie treatments are recommended. The procedure is performed either as a day case or as an inpatient under general anesthesia. After two weeks the stitches are removed, physical rest is recommended for several weeks. However, light movements are beneficial for the healing process immediately after the procedure.
The complementary body firming treatments using Exilis Ultra 360TM or LPGĀ® endermologie can be performed in the comfort of our office as early as the 2nd day after surgery. 15 sessions are recommended, twice a week. Daily scar care is recommended for up to one year after surgery.
How long does the result last?
The durability of the results is long-lasting, because the removed fat cells cannot come back after liposuction. After fat grafting, about 40% are dissolved again in the next 3 months, the remaining fat then persists permanently.
Supportive helps a high-protein diet for 4 weeks after the procedure. Of course, the results can be negatively affected by an unhealthy lifestyle, weight gain, as well as after pregnancy.
Which parts of the body are suitable for emphasized body shaping?
For women, body contouring in the area of the hips, abdomen, buttocks and arms can give optimal results. For men, the pectoral muscles or a “six pack” can be emphasized, either with the Vaser technique/Renuvion J plasma technology or in combination with autologous fat treatment.
What are the risks of high definition body contouring?
Any operation involves risks, the following situations are possible:
- Infection
- Sagging skin
- Skin irregularities
- Asymmetry
- Blue spots
- Swelling
- Thromboses
In order to minimize the risk, you should follow the instructions rsp. pre- and post-treatment and accordingly consistently carry out thrombosis and antibiotic prophylaxis after the treatment. Ensure sufficient fluid intake before and after the operation.
Can the cost of liposuction be covered by health insurance?
As a rule, no costs are covered, as this is a purely aesthetic procedure. If there are medical reasons for body contouring, e.g. lipedema or sagging skin after significant weight loss, it is possible to apply for cost coverage. However, the chances are rather small.
3D simulation before aesthetic procedures gives patients an idea of the expected treatment result.