Emphasized body sculpting? High definition? VASER liposuction? Cellulite treatment? Radiofrequency treatments? Questions for PD Dr. Mathias Tremp

Every person has a corresponding fat store in the body. This serves as an important energy reserve and is therefore indispensable. If you tend to be overweight or accumulate fat in certain areas of the body, this can have genetic causes, but also indicate hormonal imbalance.

Basically, women tend to gain weight in the abdomen, hips and thighs, while men accumulate their fat deposits mainly in the abdominal area. Of course, one’s own lifestyle and eating habits also have a major influence on how much fat is stored in the body.

What is the emphasized "high definition" body sculpting?

In principle, liposuction is suitable for a slimmer body contour and when there is good skin elasticity. The treatment is not suitable for weight loss, BMI should ideally be maximum 25kg/m2.

So-called “high definition” body contouring refers to a defined body shape such as a “six pack”, accentuated pectoral muscles or sculpted upper arms. A combination of liposuction and fat grafting can be performed. The body can be sculpted and tightened according to your ideas.

What is the VASER technique?

Emphasized body contouring is performed with the particularly gentle Vaser technique. The VASER LIPOĀ® method is an ultrasound-assisted technique for liposuction. The ultrasound breaks up the fat cells so that they can be more easily suctioned out using rotating microcannulas.

This also tightens the skin and the fat can be recycled for transplantation. Individual parts of the body can be precisely shaped according to your wishes. The procedure is safe and comfortable, nerves, vessels and tissue structures are spared. The emphasized body shaping can be supplemented with Renuvion J plasma technology to tighten the skin from the inside and further shape the body.

What do I have to consider before and after a “High-Definition” body lift?

Before and after surgery, nutritional optimization (arnica, omega-3 fatty acids, probiotics) is necessary; in case of iron deficiency, treatment with folic acid is recommended until surgery.

The tightening of the tissue and loosening of scar tissue should definitely be supported with radiofrequency treatment rsp. ultrasound treatment before and after the operation. It is also necessary to wear compression underwear for 8 weeks. Strict abstinence from nicotine is mandatory 2 weeks before and after surgery.

LPGĀ® endermologie Cellulite treatment without surgery?

LPGĀ® endermologie offers a 100% natural alternative: re-stimulating the dormant cellular activity inside the skin to combat all unsightly signs of aging (wrinkles, sagging skin, unruly curves, orange peel/cellulite).

The mechanical stimulation of the cells, called endermologieĀ®, enables the stimulation of cell activity in a natural way and without pain.

The endermologieĀ® a gymnastics for skin and adipose tissue to loosen fibrous zones. At the same time, this stimulation allows the release of fats and activates blood and lymphatic circulation.

At the same time, the mechanical action of the treatment attachment stimulates the natural breakdown of fat, tightens the skin and gives it new tone and elasticity and smoother appearance. The treatment lasts about 30 minutes.

Skin tightening, fat reduction and vaginal rejuvenation without surgery?

Exilis Ultra 360TM offers a non-invasive treatment option for sagging skin and excessive fat using monopolar radiofrequency and ultrasound, and can be used from head to toe including the intimate area, without restriction by BMI or skin type. Ore heating destroys old collagen fibers and initiates the process of new collagen formation. Fat cells are reduced in size due to ERheating. This leads to tightening of the skin and fat reduction.

EXILIS ULTRA 360 is ideal for those who are looking for a preventive treatment or even a solution for excess fat and sagging skin.

Depending on the area of the body being treated, most patients undergo between 4 and 6 treatments, 7 to 10 days apart. Each treatment of a particular body area usually lasts from 8 to 30 minutes.

Most patients describe the feeling of the therapy as comparable to that of a painless hot stone massage. You can lie down and relax during the treatment.

Some patients see initial results after 1-2 treatments. The results will usually continue to improve over the next few months.

When is a body lift necessary?

If your skin has sufficient elasticity, liposuction alone makes sense. If the skin is sagging in some areas of the body, a combination with a body lift, an upper arm lift or a buttock or thigh lift is suitable. In addition, the patient’s own fat can be injected into the buttocks

What is the procedure of the surgery and the aftercare?

Before surgery, you should refrain from taking blood thinning medications for 10 days. In order to optimally prepare the tissue before the operation, 4-5 LPGĀ® endermologie treatments are recommended. The procedure is performed either as a day case or as an inpatient under general anesthesia. After two weeks the stitches are removed, physical rest is recommended for several weeks. However, light movements are beneficial for the healing process immediately after the procedure.

The complementary body firming treatments using Exilis Ultra 360TM or LPGĀ® endermologie can be performed in the comfort of our office as early as the 2nd day after surgery. 15 sessions are recommended, twice a week. Daily scar care is recommended for up to one year after surgery.

How long does the result last?

The durability of the results is long-lasting, because the removed fat cells cannot come back after liposuction. After fat grafting, about 40% are dissolved again in the next 3 months, the remaining fat then persists permanently.

Supportive helps a high-protein diet for 4 weeks after the procedure. Of course, the results can be negatively affected by an unhealthy lifestyle, weight gain, as well as after pregnancy.

Which parts of the body are suitable for emphasized body shaping?

For women, body contouring in the area of the hips, abdomen, buttocks and arms can give optimal results. For men, the pectoral muscles or a “six pack” can be emphasized, either with the Vaser technique/Renuvion J plasma technology or in combination with autologous fat treatment.

What are the risks of high definition body contouring?

Any operation involves risks, the following situations are possible:

  • Infection
  • Sagging skin
  • Skin irregularities
  • Asymmetry
  • Blue spots
  • Swelling
  • Thromboses

In order to minimize the risk, you should follow the instructions rsp. pre- and post-treatment and accordingly consistently carry out thrombosis and antibiotic prophylaxis after the treatment. Ensure sufficient fluid intake before and after the operation.

Can the cost of liposuction be covered by health insurance?

As a rule, no costs are covered, as this is a purely aesthetic procedure. If there are medical reasons for body contouring, e.g. lipedema or sagging skin after significant weight loss, it is possible to apply for cost coverage. However, the chances are rather small.

3D simulation before aesthetic procedures gives patients an idea of the expected treatment result.