Intimate surgery women

Intimate surgery women

Aesthetic and healthy image of the labia

Intimate surgery requires attentiveness and trust. Labia reduction can be performed for medical or aesthetic reasons. Possible reasons include problems with intimate hygiene, discomfort when wearing tight clothing, pain when cycling or discomfort during sexual intercourse. Such treatment can relieve pain and have a positive effect on a woman’s self-image and sexuality.

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Reduction (tightening) and correction of the labia (labiaplasty)

The labia protect the entrance to the vagina from drying out, foreign bodies and pathogens. The labia minora, also known as the labia minora, extend from the mons veneris to the anal region and surround the clitoris, urethral opening and vaginal entrance. Sagging labia minora and a prominent mons veneris can affect a woman’s self-confidence. In addition to psychological stress, they can also cause physical problems such as swelling and pain during sport or sexual intercourse.

The widespread practice of intimate shaving makes minor irregularities in the intimate area more visible than before. Moreover, in our society, anything that appears saggy or drooping is often perceived as unattractive. Labia reduction (labiaplasty) is a common procedure that takes around 60 minutes and can be performed under local anesthesia or twilight sleep. You can go back to work the next day.

Reasons for a labia reduction
In addition to aesthetic reasons, labia minora that are too large can cause everyday discomfort, such as discomfort and pain during certain sports or when wearing tight clothing. Pain can also occur during sexual intercourse. An intimate area that is perceived as unattractive can also lead to avoidance behavior towards the partner and psychological stress. Labia reduction can address such problems and increase self-confidence and well-being.
Labia reduction procedure
Labia reduction, also known as labiaplasty, is usually performed under local anesthesia as an outpatient procedure, which means that patients do not feel any pain. If desired, the procedure can also be performed under general anesthesia. Such a procedure is preceded by a comprehensive, discreet consultation in which the correction procedure is discussed in detail. The operation is often requested due to sagging and drooping labia minora. Labiaplasty involves the removal of excess skin tissue and a symmetrical tightening of the remaining tissue, whereby the fine scars are barely visible later on. For a harmonious overall appearance, the mons veneris and clitoral hood can also be adjusted in the same session.
Complications and adverse events are rare after labiaplasty. Bleeding and infections may occur in the first few days after the operation. Temporary swelling and minor skin bleeding are possible. Residual swelling may persist for several weeks before it subsides completely.
Aftercare for labia reduction surgery
During the first six weeks after labiaplasty, it is important to take it easy physically in order to avoid chafing or heavy sweating. Visits to saunas, spas, bathing, sporting activities and sexual intercourse should be avoided. No suture removal is necessary if self-dissolving suture material is used. Showering is possible from the second day postoperatively, although direct contact with soap in the genital area should be avoided. Rubbing the operated area with a towel should also be avoided for the first ten days.

Labia augmentation

As part of the natural ageing process, a loss of volume in the labia minora can lead to sagging, making the labia minora more prominent. This can have both aesthetic and functional consequences.

Affected women often want an enlargement of the labia minora, which can become flaccid after ageing or pregnancy. The labia minora, which extend from the mons veneris to the anal region and surround the labia minora, are particularly noticeable in the large outer area of the vulva, which is why irregularities here are perceived as particularly disturbing.

Labia augmentation procedure
Labia augmentation is performed under local anesthesia, as it is a minimally invasive procedure for which a local anesthetic is sufficient. The volume of the labia minora can be increased by injecting hyaluronic acid, which makes the intimate area appear more youthful and the labia minora less visible. It should be noted that hyaluronic acid, a substance produced naturally in the body, breaks down again within up to 24 months. A permanent increase in volume can also be achieved with a minimally invasive autologous fat transfer (lipofilling). Fat is taken from another part of the body and injected into the labia to fill them up. For an aesthetically pleasing result, the shape and size of the labia are individually adjusted and no visible scars should remain after healing.
Risks associated with labiaplasty
Complications following labia augmentation are very rare. In the first few days after the operation, there may be occasional postoperative bleeding, which carries a risk of infection. Swelling and the formation of palpable nodules are possible but temporary side effects. Minor residual swelling may occur as a result of the treatment, but usually disappears within a few weeks.
Aftercare for labia augmentation
After labia augmentation, it is advisable to refrain from sport and other physically strenuous activities for six weeks in order to protect the genital area and avoid excessive sweating. You should also avoid excessive moisture, such as occurs in saunas, when bathing or at the spa, and refrain from sexual intercourse for six weeks. Showering is possible from the second day postoperatively, although direct contact with soap in the treated area should be avoided. Special care should be taken when drying off so as not to irritate the freshly operated labia minora. Tight-fitting clothing and strong pressure on the treated area should also be avoided.

Other intimate surgery therapies

Other intimate surgery therapies

The correction of perineal scars is a surgical procedure that aims to improve or remove scar tissue in the area between the external genital area and the anus. This area can be scarred due to childbirth, surgery or injury. The treatment can be performed under local anesthesia or sedation and often involves carefully removing the scar tissue and reshaping the surrounding tissue for a more aesthetically pleasing and functionally improved result.

Other intimate surgery therapies

Intensification of the G-spot can be achieved through treatment with autologous blood, also known as platelet rich plasma (PRP). Blood is first taken and then centrifuged to isolate the plasma and platelet-rich plasma. This is then injected specifically into the G-spot. The growth factors and platelets contained in the plasma promote regenerative processes. For optimal results, three treatments at four-week intervals are usually necessary, followed by an annual booster treatment.

Surgery, ability to work, risks and aftercare

Intimate surgery is usually performed on an outpatient basis, under local or general anesthesia, and usually takes no longer than 60 minutes. Patients are usually able to return to work after 3 days. Risks such as local fungal infections, post-operative bleeding, haematomas, swelling, sensitivity to pressure and softening of the wound edges can be minimized if the procedure is carried out professionally.

It takes 1-2 months for the swelling to completely heal and subside. During this time, it is recommended to refrain from sporting activities and sexual intercourse.

Costs for interventions

The costs for intimate surgery depend on the individual complexity and are discussed and determined in detail with the patient in advance. The costs include all measures, including the preliminary consultation, the operation itself, anesthesia, all necessary medication, any stays and follow-up checks.