Breast lift

Breast lift

Breast in youthful shape and firmness

Breast lifts are a common topic for women of all ages. The shape and firmness of the breast change over time, which can lead to a loss of youthful appearance.

Most women want firmer breasts after pregnancies or severe weight loss. However, age-related sagging, congenital breast deformities, different breast shapes or nipples that are too large can also be reasons for a breast lift.

A breast lift is the process of removing excess skin and redistributing the breast tissue to make the breast shape firmer. In some cases, additional enlargement and elevation of the breast with implants or autologous fat may be necessary.

A tightening breast lift (mastopexy) can rejuvenate the female appearance with a beautiful breast profile.

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Aesthetic breast corrections? Before and after pictures


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PD Dr. med. Mathias Tremp in a consultation


Before any procedure, it is crucial that you as a patient are fully informed. PD Dr. Tremp is ready to answer your questions and inform you about the benefits and risks of the operation.

Find out whether your desired operation is possible. Arrange your personal consultation appointment now.

Sagging breasts and sagging breasts

Slightly sagging breasts are a natural condition that can occur in the course of life. If the breast tissue shifts significantly towards the belly button, this is referred to as sagging breasts or mastoptosis.

Sagging breasts can develop at a young age, for example during puberty. Pregnancies and major weight fluctuations are common causes. Genetic factors and the natural ageing process also play a role. There are four degrees of severity of mastoptosis, depending on how much the breasts have sagged.

Plastic surgery after breastfeeding
Whether breasts lose tension and fullness after weaning depends on various factors, such as the weight of the breast tissue, the percentage of fat in the mammary gland tissue and the elasticity of the skin. For women who want to restore their breast shape and size after weaning, there are several solutions.
Different breast sizes and asymmetries of the breast
In addition to different size developments, breasts or nipples can also have different shapes. If the asymmetrical breast leads to persistent dissatisfaction, the size and shape of the breasts can be adjusted by breast augmentation, breast reduction or breast lift after breast growth is complete.
Breast lift compared to breast reduction
A breast lift is performed in a similar way to a breast reduction. With a breast lift, the skin mantle is reduced while the volume of the breast remains the same. The removal of skin results in a firmer breast. This can give a better, rounder breast shape and raise the position of the nipples. Breast reduction reduces the overall volume of the breasts and also tightens the skin mantle.

What do women want from breast lifts?

  • Are you dissatisfied with your sagging breasts and want a different shape?
  • Do you want to be satisfied with your breasts again after your pregnancy?
  • Do you want a beautiful cleavage?
  • Do you suffer from excess skin in your bra?

Many women want a breast lift to make their breasts firmer and more shapely again after pregnancy, weight loss or due to genetic factors. They strive for a harmonious décolleté and want to reduce excess skin in the bra area. A breast lift aims to achieve an aesthetically pleasing result in order to boost a woman’s self-esteem.

Breast lift method

The choice of incision technique depends on the shape and size of the breast, the desired extent of the reshaping and the surgical effort. The periareolar incision is gentle and leaves only a small scar, but it is only suitable for minor changes. For a greater tightening effect, the Lejour technique is recommended, which allows a strong change in breast volume and firm skin with T and L incisions.


A breast lift can be combined with a breast reduction or breast augmentation, depending on individual needs and wishes. In the minimally invasive breast lift method, a round incision is made around the nipple.

Advantages of the O-technique for minor breast lifts
In the O-technique (Benelli method), a round incision is made around the areola. This technique results in minimal scarring, but requires regular scar care.
I-technique for simultaneous breast reduction
In the Lejour method, a circular incision is made around the areola, as well as a vertical incision. This method is suitable if a breast lift and reduction is desired.
Classic T-technique
The T-technique (Strömbeck method) allows the largest change that can be made to a breast. The procedure is performed through 3 incisions: An incision around the areola, a vertical incision under the nipple and a horizontal incision along the breast fold.
Advantages of the OrbiShape method
In the OrbiShape method, an inner bra is formed. With this skin tightening technique, it is possible to support the breast with autologous fat.

Breast lift in combination with breast augmentation

A breast lift (mastopexy) can be combined with breast augmentation, either using implants or lipofilling with the patient’s own fatty tissue. This combination offers both an increase in breast volume and a firming effect.

A breast lift with implants can be useful for slightly sagging breasts in order to fill out the excess skin and lift the nipples. A breast lift without implants, on the other hand, involves removing excess skin, reshaping the breast tissue and lifting the nipples.

Before breast lift surgery

During a breast lift, the volume of the new breast is determined based on the existing breast soft tissue and can be supplemented with an implant if necessary. During the two-hour procedure, the breast is reshaped internally and the skin is tightened.

The incision is made around the areola and vertically below it. In some cases, an additional incision is required along the natural breast crease. The removal of tissue and skin also changes the position of the nipples. In order to achieve an aesthetic result, the areola is adjusted in relation to the new breast and the nipple is raised without affecting sensitivity or the ability to breastfeed.

Procedure of the operation

A breast lift is usually performed under general anesthesia and takes about 1-2 hours. Depending on the extent of the procedure, an inpatient stay of a few days may be recommended, although in some cases an outpatient procedure is also possible.

Risks and complications of a breast lift

Although the risks and complications of a breast lift are rare, they can occur. Possible problems include infections and bleeding, which can occur particularly in the first few days after the operation. However, these complications are very rare.
Risks associated with a breast lift
Although a breast lift sounds less invasive than a breast augmentation, there are still risks and possible complications. There is a risk of injury to the milk ducts during surgery, which can affect the ability to breastfeed. Nerve damage can lead to temporary loss of sensitivity, although this often improves in the first few days after the operation. There is a low risk of complications with a breast lift. Possible risks include a temporary loss of sensitivity, impaired blood flow to the nipple and a change in the shape of the breast. However, these complications are rare and can be avoided by experienced experts.
Nipple sensory disturbances (numbness)
Temporary sensory disturbances (numbness) or hypersensitivity in the nipple area may occur after the breast lift, but these symptoms usually subside on their own. It is important to follow the post-operative instructions and seek medical advice immediately if any problems arise. We will guide you through the healing process to ensure you have an optimal recovery.

After breast lift surgery

After a breast lift, you can usually leave the day clinic on the same day. The next day you will have your first wound check, during which drains are removed and possible risks are checked. In the following weeks, you should wear a sports bra for stabilization and take appropriate care of your scars. The result of a breast lift alone is not permanent, as the breast is subject to the natural ageing process. A breast lift with an implant can lead to a longer-lasting result, as the implant provides a firmer structure.

Aftercare and behavior after a breast lift

After the breast lift, the breast is bandaged and protected with a support bra for four to six weeks. You should sleep on your back or slightly on your side. The suture material is removed after approx. ten to 14 days, after which you can shower and bathe again. Sport, UV radiation and visits to the solarium should be avoided for at least six weeks so as not to impair healing and scarring. The final result is visible after about six months, during which time the chest muscles should not be strained unnecessarily.

How much does a breast lift cost?

The costs for a breast lift are discussed in detail with the patient in advance. The flat rate includes anesthesia, use of the operating room, implants and all associated costs, but excludes the sports bra and any overnight costs. Please contact us for a detailed consultation.

If you are considering surgery for overly large breasts or pronounced sagging breasts, we can use our many years of experience to assess in which cases health insurance may cover part of the costs. Many women who wish to have an operation because their breasts are too small, too large or very saggy ask themselves this question. We will be happy to help you clarify this question based on our experience.